Short Introduction

I decided to make a propaganda "website" about the atomic bomb because it and the culture related to it are a personal interest of mine. My main tactics were: (1) obfuscate opposing ideas while pretending not to do that; (2) emphasize the idea of the bomb as a "scientific achievement" that is a product of the advancement of humanity; (3) downplay or ignore the reality of the destruction of the atomic bomb (I did not use the word "destruction" at all in the site); and (4) rely on strong language and interesting visuals/design to inspire trust and a sense of ethos.The "goal" of the website (as propaganda) is to foster support for the continued existence/development of the atomic bomb. I unequivocally disagree with this idea, but this project was an interesting exercise in understanding that side nonetheless. Thank you!




💥 What is the Atomic Bomb? 💥

The atomic bomb is a scientific marvel conceptualized and actualized by exceptional American scientists. In essence, the power of the atomic bomb "derives from a sudden release of energy produced by splitting the nuclei of the fissile elements making up the bombs' core"1. Uranium-235 and Plutonium-239 were the isotopes chosen by atomic scientists for the nuclear bomb due to their ability to readily undergo fission, splitting the nucleus in two. The key to setting off this awesome bomb is a series of chain reactions of neutrons striking nuclei, something that can only happen if a critical mass of fissionable material is obtained.The power and ability of this incredible scientific achievement cannot be understated. The fact that such an invention was even possible is a testament to the development of humanity and science, and it is something to be celebrated as progress. It is our understanding of the smallest building blocks of the world that led to this phenomenal creation.


💥 How Can the Bomb Help Us? 💥

"With great power comes great responsibility."This quote should always be in mind when discussing issues of the atomic. Nothing about the atomic bomb inherently advocates for harm to others. Rather, harnassing the power of the atomic bomb must be about protection, not aggression. Having a good defense is the first step to safety, and the nuclear bomb is a premiere example of that. World War II would not have ended as soon as it did without the atomic bomb. Thankfully, nothing as bad as that has happened in the world yet, but if the time comes where America, democracy, and the world itself is in jeapardy, having and being prepared to use the atomic bomb could be the only thing to save us from destruction. We must keep the big picture in mind--the greater good.

The atomic bomb is not a weapon for war. In fact, it could be a weapon against war; if the enemy knows that we have access to such a powerful tool, they are less likely to attack aggressively and more likely to engage in diplomacy. Most would agree that this is a more favorable situation than war, and it might not be possible without our atomic bomb or our willingness to use it if forced to.Again, the atom bomb is a protective, defensive measure--it can prevent war, it can protect the nation, and it can stop war if it starts. That is, if we allow it to fulfill this duty.


💥 What Can You Do? 💥

  • Understand the bomb.

You've already achieved this by visiting this website, and we thank you for that. Knowledge is a necessity when dealing with subjects as intense as this, which is why we've put together this informational experience. You now know how the bomb works, and how it can be used for the betterment of society. This means something.

  • Accept the bomb.

We live in a society that has the atomic bomb. This is an unchangeable fact of existence, and must be understood before anyone can move forward with this product of human advancement. We have this power, and we can choose how to use it.

  • Internalize the bomb.

It stands to reason that the atomic bomb is not an unequivocally bad thing. It is a piece of technology that is here to stay, and the outcome of its existence depends on how humans, how we as a nation, decide to view it and to use it. Accepting the bomb's existence is not enough, however; it is time we internalize the bomb as we internalize modern medicine and the latest smartphone. Good can come from this invention. It is a protector, a defender, of nations, of worlds. It can be used to prevent worse destruction, as it has been before. Most of all, though, the atomic bomb enables humanity to grasp, at least a little, the secrets of the universe, and to maneuver throughout it, if we so choose. This possibility is priceless. Internalizing the bomb is necessary.